Cloud Background
Cloud Background
Moon Element Star Element Star Element Star Element Star Element Moon Element Star Element Star Element Star Element Moon Element Star Element
Moon Element Star Element Star Element Star Element Star Element Moon Element Star Element Star Element Star Element Moon Element Star Element



At 12 – 24 months your child won’t be able to form proper sentences and here is where you play another big role. When your child says a word, such as ‘ball’ or ‘book’, teach them to string it together with another word such as ‘big’, ‘play’ or ‘read’ so that they form phrases like ‘big ball’, ‘play ball’, ‘read book’, etc. You’ll see how their vocabulary begins to improve. Along with words, your little one will also try practicing with inflections when asking questions and making statements. So make sure to talk to your little one with more gusto and animation. You can also choose to imitate the voices of their favorite cartoon characters

*Parents are required to accompany their children throughout the activities

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