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Know and Support Your Child's Development - Developmental milestones of your ready to explore 18- month year old child

Nimali Buthpitiya

By 18 months of age, your little one is becoming a toddler and is not only growing physically, but her speech and vocabulary are also expanding. This opens up a whole new world of excitement. All things considered; you might not even be able to stop your baby’s continuous chatter throughout the day!
At the age of 18 months, toddlers can speak several single words and begin to identify body parts. They enjoy learning new words and making sentences in whichever languages they are encouraged to follow. As parents, you and your little one can enjoy having long conversations together, strengthening that ever-growing bond. By the time your child is 22 - 24 months old, she can use up to 50 words, form simple sentences and sing simple tunes, though the exact pronunciation may still be confusing for them to grasp. Their ability to learn new words and repeat is quite incredible, and that is why as adults we should make sure to be mindful of the words we speak around toddlers.

By the age of 18 - 24 months, your child becomes more independent and refines her motor skills. During this age group, she learns not only to speak, but also develops the significant skill of listening and understanding what is being told. During this developmental stage, your little one eagerly follows simple instructions given to them.
In terms of motor skills, your child would want to feed themselves as she is gradually introduced to solid food. Though it is going to be incredibly messy, and the tiny tot will have more food on themselves and on surroundings than in their mouths, it is essential that they master these skills as it enables them to graduate to the next level of skills and abilities. With time and experience, your toddler closer to 2 years of age will be able to eat with a spoon, even if an occasional spill would be unavoidable.
Around 18 months of age, your baby is running around instead of crawling, and is bound to get into plenty of trouble. As parents, you should get set and be ready to run around, as your mischievous little explorer is ready to cause plenty of chaos around the house! But during the age of 18 – 24 months, your child is also able to understand and respond to being corrected and will usually stop when demanded, while the ability to run steadily results in less falling and injuries.

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