Know and Support Your Child's Development - Developmental milestones of your 12months year old child

Nimali Buthpitiya
With the arrival of a child, your life is transformed like never before. Your days will be shorter, nights longer, home happier and the future worth living for. As new parents, it is important to be aware of the skills and abilities your child should accomplish as they develop, and we bring you some of these key developmental milestones evident in an infant of 12 months.
Your baby’s first, most significant interaction is the memorable smile. As time goes by, he starts to enjoy interacting with everyone around, while gaining the ability to wave good-bye and play fun games such as peek- a-boo by the ages of 12 to 18 months.
It truly is a proud moment as a parent, when your precious little one takes their first steps. One day your baby is trying to stand against the sofa, using it as support and a few days later, he is tottering slowly but surely into the safety of your arms. The ability to walk is usually commenced by the age of 12 months, though it could always vary from child to child. The first few attempts will certainly be bumpy and unsteady, yet with sweet praise and encouragement from you, they will gain more confidence to walk by taking few steps on their own around the age of 15 months.
The skill of speech begins with the adorable, babbling baby talk when your baby is just a few months old, and will gradually grow up to speak two to three words by the time they are 12 months to 18 months old. As excited parents, the very first words you dream to hear from your little one are either ‘mama’ ‘dada’, or ‘Amma’ ‘Thaththa’.
The ability to master functionalities such as gripping is essential during early childhood development. As your baby slowly grows up and becomes more independent, he starts holding the bottle as he drinks milk, drink from a cup using both hands (may spill sometimes) and tries to use a spoon by around 18 months. Parents should be patient and refrain from actions such as propping the bottle in their mouths. Depending on his or her motor skills, your baby will eventually do it himself.
All children love colours, don’t they? Though your little one will not be able to identify all the colours at the mere age of 12 months, you can make a start by teaching him the basic colours like red, yellow, and blue. Take the chance to spend time with your infant and create colourful arts. Although they will find it hard to grasp the crayons at first, they will be able to scribble with a firmer grip when they are 18 months.
Children who are 12 to 18 months of age are fascinated by toys that help them use their newly acquired skills such as grasping, pushing, and pulling. They try using whatever objects found right away and are able to stack at least two small objects like block when they are 15 months old. As their mobility increases, around 18 months they play with toys in a simple way like pushing a toy car and can climb on and off a chair without assistance.
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