Parent’s role in children’s learning in the current scenario

Nimali Buthpitiya
Parent’s role in children’s learning has been one of the most common topics discussed in the field of education. This specific concern began to draw more attention since online learning was introduced due to COVID. Although school managements and educators attempt to be clear as much as possible in most cases about how children can be supported, in the current scenario it has become somewhat challenging and a distressful task to parents. While parents should not feel negative about themselves for not being able to manage this situation skillfully compared to other experiences, I believe it should be treated as an opportunity which can provide space to learn many new things together as family.
How can we look at it in a different perspective…?
Very first thing is to know that whether it is online or offline learning, parent’s involvement in children’s learning process is an essential component for them to achieve their fullest potential. Therefore, it is important to adjust our perspective to reduce the stigma that is built around online schooling to deal with the current scenario in a better manner. This realization will enable reframing the situation. This means that, the time and effort you are going to invest as a parent into your child’s learning should not be seen as something that you do solely because of the pandemic or a shift of unexpected load of work on yourself.
It is natural to feel that you are now assigned with more tasks to perform in terms of your child’s school work. This is because online learning requires you to help your child with his or her lessons. All what you learn during this time which may appear novel to you will enrich your child and progressively develop and prepare your child for better capabilities in terms of learning. After all, this is a great time for you to teach your child certain life lessons which they will not learn from books and the situation is not going to remain unchanged forever.
Following tips will be helpful in getting started afresh...
• Use your authority as parents to set rules and principles where children will be clearly guided and communicated about what they are expected of. It can be about completing their homework or discipline during online lessons. This is essential to build a systematic family atmosphere, not only during lockdowns, but on the other days as well.
• Be involved by providing guidance, helping with homework, speaking with their teachers and enforcing positive habits towards learning.
• Model the behavior you think you want your children should learn. This is easy for parents who are working from home, as they can model behaviors such as being focused, disciplined, working even without being supervised or being punctual at online meetings etc.
• Maintain attitudes that are positive and encouraging. As parents, it is important to be mindful about the attitude you hold, so that your children will not be demotivated or frustrated being influenced by you.
• Set goals for each day for your child. Help them develop a schedule together with you where they will become aware of the tasks that they need to engage each day. It will make them feel responsible about how they spend their time.
• Do not miss out the family time how busy everyone has been throughout the day. Allow this time to release their stress, answer their questions, express their thoughts and ideas and most importantly to laugh together. Learning is not all about reading books or listening to online lessons.
• According to each family member’s work load, discuss the schedule for the next day and about how it will be spent in advance so that everyone is ready for the next day.
• Do not hesitate to ask for support, advise or information from teachers, friends or other parents if you feel that you need further assistance.
These points may surely help you to start the journey towards developing more peaceful and positive thoughts about this challenging time period. Clarity of mind about what you are doing and what you need to do is vital when overcoming challenges. Therefore, let’s first overcome the obstacles that are within us which hinder us from finding best possible ways to intervene into the current scenario with our loving children.
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